Thank you for stopping by! My name is Julie Metcalf and I am first and foremost a wife and mother. I have a wonderful husband that supports me in all of my ventures. I adore him dearly and aside from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ he is at the top of my list. My number one priotity. Then there are my three crazy, goofball children. My oldest is Keegan, he is the firstborn and definitely holds that title in our household. He is the one I've always called the good child. God seems to give you the good ones first so that you will want to have more, right!?! He is my sweet, sensitive good hearted mama's boy. Then comes my middle child, Kaleigh. From the day she was born she has been bossy and demanding. She came out of the womb knowing how she wanted to be held and if you weren't holding her that way she would let you know all about it, LOL! Just when you think you can't take one more minute of her "leadership" attitiude (that sounds better than bossy lol) she shows you her sweet, loving, precious little girl side. This side of her just melts your heart and makes you almost, ALMOST forget about her "leadership" attitude. Last, but certainly not least is my baby boy, Kolton Dean. He is your stereotypcial all boy kind of kid. He is fearless and full of energy. Tie that together with your sterotypical baby of the family, who gets away with so much more than the other two did, and you've got what my in-laws call the lil' tornado. I can't say for sure, but we may have created a lil monster LOL.
So, now that I have told you about my full time job let me tell you more about my passion. My love for photography started about 8 years ago. It was when my daughter was 2 years old. I started making and selling kanzashi flower hair bows on etsy. Well, in order to sell them I had to take pictures of them. So, I borrowed my neighbors DSLR camera and started shooting away. It wasn't but a few months into my new business that I realized I enjoyed the taking pictures and editing side of my business more than making the actual product. The more pictures I took the more I realized I had a true passion for this. The following Christmas of that same year my wonderful husband bought me my first DLSR camera. A Nikon D3100 kit. It's kind of all downhill from that point on. I learned to shoot by reading and studying my camera manuel. The old fashion way, ha! Once I learned all I could from my manual I still had a thirst and craving to learn more and become better. So, I started reading article after article and I watched numerous how to videos on photography and editing. I have spent so much of my time and energy investing in this passion of mine. To this day I still have that desire to continue learning. I want to become the best that I can and that is what I offer my clients. The best of me.